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2020-03-31 来源: 猫本吃货 原文链接 评论5条

墨尔本市政厅 City of Melbourne 于3月26日开通了新冠疫情期针对小公司的补贴。因为猫叔这两天也在为自己的几个公司申请,所以顺手做个教程分享给各位老板们。

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 1

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 2




>Captial works grant 基本工程建设补贴:最高补贴 $11000 incl GST

  • 装备硬件 - equipment, including major catering, processing and production equipment 

  • 装修 - business fittings, including retail, wholesale, and hospitality shopfittings

  • 硬件翻新 - physical alterations, including re-modelling of premises

  • IT和软件 - IT and software

  • 汽车 - vehicles

>Online and e-commerce grant 线上和电商开发补贴:最高补贴 $5500 incl GST

  • 网页开发 - website design and development

  • 电商开发 - e-commerce platforms (selling online and receiving payments)

  • 在线内容制作 - online content development (web pages, mobile apps, audio and visual media)

  • 线上推广广告 - digital marketing and promotion

  • 在线和电商培训 - mentoring and training in online and e-commerce activities.

>Training and development grant 专业发展培训项目补贴:最高补贴 $2200 incl GST

  • 线上学习培训 - online learning and webinars

  • 参与培训项目 - attendance at training courses, seminars, workshops, forums or conferences where appropriate

  • 内部培训课程 - in-house courses delivered by an external provider or other training.


如果你的生意主体坐落于以下范围内,比如你的餐厅开在Swanston St,就可以申请。

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 3


  • 生意实体(非注册地址)位于City of Melbourne管辖范围内(上图)

  • 企业需拥有ABN,如果你有多个企业,可以多次申请,每一个ABN可提交申请一次

  • 小于50位全职员工的中小型企业,如果是餐旅业则把限制放宽至75人




  1. 进入City of Melbourne官网页面


墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 4

2. 点击Start a submission

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 5

3.  点击 Register

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 6

4. 输入注册信息,并点击Register

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5. 你填写的邮箱会收到一封邮件,点击里面的链接

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6. 在跳转的新页面中登录

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7. 登陆后点Next Page

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8. 在页面的最下面勾选“yes”,需要补贴的类别(可多选)后,点击next page

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 11

9. 填写公司基本信息,点击next page

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10. 填写公司产品服务介绍,点击next page

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墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 14

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 15


Provide a brief summary of your business activities including core products and Service 陈述你生意的核心产品和业务

Our company provides various English coaching services for Chinese students, who speak English as a second language. Our services include coaching for language tests (e.g. IELTS, PTE), academic English, and Daily English.

Outline how your current business activities have been impacted by COVID-19 *陈述新冠疫情对你的生意产生了什么影响

As our main clientele are Chinese, our clients have reduced by at least two-thirds due to the travel ban. We are now suffering a severe loss in profit. To make to matter even worse, there is no way for us to market our services on university campus or any other venues, and we are no longer able to host any seminar or other activities at the time when students usually return to Melbourne in a great number. Besides, we have to transfer our existing clients from face-to-face class to online class because of safety concerns.

11. 申请基础设施补贴

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 16

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 17

关于陈述的部分:Provide a brief outline and purpose of the capital works activities which you are planning to undertake  

Due to the fact that our marketing campaign are mostly in a face-to-face manner, including seminars, free discussion groups and consultation, we now have to be in a process of transferring our services and marketing to online. This includes establishing a comprehensive online marketing plan, which requires us to put advertisements on various online platforms, including google, and various other online platforms, and to get our marketing staffs trained how to undertake such activities. Meanwhile, we have to establish an online platform for delivering course content, which requires various recording equipment. But unfortunately, we are now between a rock and a hard place, as we have already lost our major income due to travel ban and have insufficient funding for the activities listed above. It is a crucial time for our business, as our clients tend to be consistent; if we lost this patch of clients, it will be at least two to three months literally zero profit for us, which could be catastrophic for us. 

Describe how your business will benefit from this activity 你将从这些建设中如何获益

By transferring our marketing and services online, we can minimize the impact of corona virus, as for clients as well as our teachers it will be completely safe to communicate online instead of face-to-face. Online marketing strategy allows us to maintain our contact with new potential clients who are still in China and who are here in Melbourne but dare not go out, which is the only possible means right now for us to survive in the current disparate situation. Online coaching, on the other hand, enable us to continue delivering our coaching services to students remotely, as many of them have rather urgent requests. It is worth mention that most of our clients require our coaching services to be delivered within a relatively short period as they need their language test results for applying university or Visa; late for delivering such services means that they will be likely to miss their university enrollments or be forced to leave Australia. Some of them are rather desperate and request to continue having class despite of the current situation. However, we have to turn them now for the time being due to safety concerns Therefore, online coaching allows us to keep delivering our services, which are essential for our clients’ future. 

Please outline your matched funding commitment to the proposed capital works * 你的财务承诺

If we are granted with the funding, we will carefully allocate it to purchase broadcasting equipment for our teachers, which includes trackpads and I-pencils for teachers to make notes during class, and video recording devices and microphones. all these equipment are essential for maintaining the quality of our course as we are now providing a interactive course, which requires teachers to interact with students constantly, instead of traditional lecturing style. 

12. 申请线上及电商活动补贴

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 18

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 19

Provide a brief outline and purpose of the online and e-commerce activity which you are planning to undertake *陈述你发展线上和电商活动的规划和目的

We need hire technicians to develop a new livestream module on our website, which allows us to deliver course content with the equipment aforementioned to undertake online coaching.

We also need technicians to develop a log-on-required recording module on our website, which allows only our clients who miss the livestream to watch the course content online, as right now there is a three-hours jet lag between China and Melbourne (e.g. 9 am in Melbourne is 6 am in China).

It also requires an overwhelming amount of funding for us to constantly put advertisements on Google, Facebook, or Wechat (the Chinese version of WhatsApp), as we used to market our services in a cost-effective manner (seminars, free consolation ect.) which seems to be unable to continue for the foreseeable future.

Describe how your business will benefit from this proposal * 陈述你将如何从线上计划中获益

By undertaking such activities, our business will have hope to stay alive under the impact of the pandemic, as we are able to continue marketing ourselves online. Right now we haven’t have any new intakes in nearly two months (due to early quarantine in China last month) and our online coaching couldn’t go smooth, according to the feedbacks we have from our existing clients, as we are financially incapable of purchasing equipment essential for delivering a high-quality content. So the funding can help us provide high-quality services like we used to. This way not only our company can survive, but our clients can achieve their targeted language test results on time and successfully enroll at their universities, which could also help local universities to minimize the impact.

13. 申请专业技能培训补贴

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 20

墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 21

Provide a brief outline and purpose of the training and development activity which you are planning to undertake * 陈述培训的规划和目的

We will have our teachers trained professionally about how to use the equipment at home, and how to successfully delivering an online course with their students interactively, as many of them say that they lack essential skills to deliver online coaching smoothly as what they used to do in classroom.

We will also send our marketing staffs to train how to successfully undertake online marketing campaigns, which requires completes different skills set as interacting with clients face-to-face. Most of them are rather inexperience this way and requires professional training. All the trainings and other activities have to be finished in the quickest way possible as our business is now facing a ‘life-threatening’ situation.

13. 提交以上全部填完后,系统会自动帮你计算申请的补贴总额,理论上最多可以申请到$18700/每个公司,最后把一些额外信息填完后就可以提交。

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墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 23

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墨尔本$500万公司补助申请攻略,附英文回复模板,每个公司最多可拿$18700(组图) - 26

最后希望各位在City of Melbourne 的老板都能顺利申请下政府的补贴,虽然这些钱比起老板们的损失可能不值一提,但聊胜于无。最重要的是,这是大家应得的。

点击链接,实时关注你身边疫情动态。留意高危区,在澳华人齐心协力度过疫潮!速戳实时疫情地图 >>

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关键词: 补助公司墨尔本
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