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2018-08-25 来源: 今日澳洲 评论3条
澳洲Papparich加盟中存在的一些问题 Papparich是一家马来西亚餐饮连锁企业,近年来在澳洲发展迅速。因为一个机会,我曾经亲身参与过澳洲一家加盟店从开始培训到开张的全过程,也从中发现这家连锁企业在加盟中存在的诸多问题。 今年4月,Papparich位于悉尼Castle Hill的一家加盟店开始筹备,招聘员工,并进行培训。从加盟方来说,应该是下了成本的,招聘了八位员工后,将他们从悉尼送到墨尔本进行培训。4月16日,我们来到了墨尔本的Papparich澳洲总部。 但实际上,Papparich在加盟中的重要问题正是出在培训环节。在培训之前,加盟方老板就告诉员工,培训时对参加培训的新员工不友好。而实际上,Papparich澳洲总部并没有专门的培训部门,在介绍了一些简单情况并参观了总部的两个生产车间后,新员工的培训就被交给了Papparich在墨尔本CBD的一家直营店。 这家直营店因为处于墨尔本闹市区,本身生意很好。而它的员工,大部分都是Parttime的大学生。这家店的店长,在安排培训时,也从来没有从培训的目的出发,他考虑的,只是他每天开店需要的员工数量。至于加盟方来的新员工,他不承担任何责任,也不愿意多教一些技能。实际上,他只是把这些新员工作为他的免费工人。而Papparich澳洲总部不但不给这些新员工发工资,还向加盟方收取高额培训费。 在培训的过程中,这家店的店长和部分老员工,其实也只是Parttime的大学生,对待培训人员态度粗暴,没有任何耐心,只有不耐烦的大声训斥。其结果是,短短不到一个月的培训,竟然先后有三位新员工因为忍受不了,而辞职不干。 5月19日,位于Castle Hill的这家店开始营业。这家店的面积、厅堂布局与墨尔本店完全不同,那么这时候理应将新员工召集起来,给大家讲解一下两个店有哪些不同,因而工作流程上也应该作出相应调整。但Papparich完全没有做这方面的工作,而是让员工直接开门营业。结果造成的混乱可想而知。刚开业一两天,就不断有顾客报怨等候时间太长。同时,员工间的互相配合也完全谈不上,甚至有两个员工大声吵起来,造成其中一人不干了,这家店不得不在下午5点钟的热闹时间关门停业。 由于Papparich澳洲总部负责加盟店的装修,其布局也完全不合理,造成相邻的工位间根本无法同时干活,互相干扰,工作时抱怨声不断。 不合理的厨房布局,必然影响了餐饮质量、出餐速度,肯定也会影响到店里的生意。实际上,Castle Hill的这家Castle Hill在5月份开业时,因为当时Castle Hill当时有三四家饭店正在装修,没法营业,所以它的生意还可以;当这些店在七月份先后开业了,Papparich的生意就很明显地不如以前了。 所以,如果你想加盟Papparich,千万要小心后果了。
关键词: 加盟
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
留在悉尼 2018-08-27 回复
土澳居民TcjlV 2018-08-25 回复
Some problems in the joining of Papparich in Australia Papparich is a Malaysian restaurant chain that has grown rapidly in Australia in recent years. Because of an opportunity, I have personally participated in the entire process of starting a training in the franchise store in Australia. I also found many problems in the chain. In April of this year, Papparich began preparations at a franchise store in Castle Hill, Sydney, recruiting staff and training. From the franchisees, it should be cost-effective. After recruiting eight employees, they will be sent from Sydney to Melbourne for training. On April 16, we arrived at the Australian headquarters in Papparich, Melbourne. But in fact, Papparich's important problem in joining is in the training session. Before the training, the franchisee owner told the staff that the training was not friendly to the new employees who participated in the training. In fact, Papparich's Australian headquarters did not have a dedicated training department. After introducing some simple situations and visiting two production workshops at the headquarters, the training of the new employees was handed over to Papparich's direct store in the CBD of Melbourne. This direct store is very good because it is located in the downtown area of Melbourne. Most of its employees are Parttime college students. The manager of the store, when arranging training, never proceeded from the purpose of training. What he considered was only the number of employees he needed to open the store every day. As for the new employees from the franchisee, he does not assume any responsibility and is not willing to teach more skills. In fact, he just used these new employees as his free workers. The Papparich Australia headquarters not only does not pay these new employees, but also charges the franchisees a high training fee. In the process of training, the store manager and some of the old employees are actually only Parttime college students. The attitude towards the trainers is rude, without any patience, and only impatiently reprimanded. As a result, in less than a month of training, three new employees have resigned because they could not stand it. On May 19th, the store in Castle Hill opened. The size of the store and the layout of the hall are completely different from those of the Melbourne store. At this time, it is reasonable to convene new employees to explain the differences between the two stores, so the workflow should be adjusted accordingly. But Papparich didn't do the job at all, but let the employees open the door directly. The confusion caused by the results can be imagined. Just one or two days after the opening of the business, there are always customers complaining that the waiting time is too long. At the same time, the mutual cooperation between the employees was completely unspeakable. Even two employees clamored loudly, causing one of them to stop working. The store had to close down at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Due to the renovation of the franchise store in Papparich Australia, the layout is completely unreasonable, resulting in the inability of the adjacent stations to work at the same time, interfere with each other, and complain constantly during work. Unreasonable kitchen layout will inevitably affect the quality of food and food, and will definitely affect the business in the store. In fact, when Castle Hill's Castle Hill opened in May, because Castle Hill had three or four hotels under renovation at the time, it couldn't be opened, so its business was OK; when these stores opened in July, Papparich's business is clearly not as good as it used to be. So if you want to join Papparich, be careful about the consequences.
土澳居民TcjlV 2018-08-25 回复
澳洲Papparich加盟中存在的一些问题 Papparich是一家马来西亚餐饮连锁企业,近年来在澳洲发展迅速。因为一个机会,我曾经亲身参与过澳洲一家加盟店从开始培训到开张的全过程,也从中发现这家连锁企业在加盟中存在的诸多问题。 今年4月,Papparich位于悉尼Castle Hill的一家加盟店开始筹备,招聘员工,并进行培训。从加盟方来说,应该是下了成本的,招聘了八位员工后,将他们从悉尼送到墨尔本进行培训。4月16日,我们来到了墨尔本的Papparich澳洲总部。 但实际上,Papparich在加盟中的重要问题正是出在培训环节。在培训之前,加盟方老板就告诉员工,培训时对参加培训的新员工不友好。而实际上,Papparich澳洲总部并没有专门的培训部门,在介绍了一些简单情况并参观了总部的两个生产车间后,新员工的培训就被交给了Papparich在墨尔本CBD的一家直营店。 这家直营店因为处于墨尔本闹市区,本身生意很好。而它的员工,大部分都是Parttime的大学生。这家店的店长,在安排培训时,也从来没有从培训的目的出发,他考虑的,只是他每天开店需要的员工数量。至于加盟方来的新员工,他不承担任何责任,也不愿意多教一些技能。实际上,他只是把这些新员工作为他的免费工人。而Papparich澳洲总部不但不给这些新员工发工资,还向加盟方收取高额培训费。 在培训的过程中,这家店的店长和部分老员工,其实也只是Parttime的大学生,对待培训人员态度粗暴,没有任何耐心,只有不耐烦的大声训斥。其结果是,短短不到一个月的培训,竟然先后有三位新员工因为忍受不了,而辞职不干。 5月19日,位于Castle Hill的这家店开始营业。这家店的面积、厅堂布局与墨尔本店完全不同,那么这时候理应将新员工召集起来,给大家讲解一下两个店有哪些不同,因而工作流程上也应该作出相应调整。但Papparich完全没有做这方面的工作,而是让员工直接开门营业。结果造成的混乱可想而知。刚开业一两天,就不断有顾客报怨等候时间太长。同时,员工间的互相配合也完全谈不上,甚至有两个员工大声吵起来,造成其中一人不干了,这家店不得不在下午5点钟的热闹时间关门停业。 由于Papparich澳洲总部负责加盟店的装修,其布局也完全不合理,造成相邻的工位间根本无法同时干活,互相干扰,工作时抱怨声不断。 不合理的厨房布局,必然影响了餐饮质量、出餐速度,肯定也会影响到店里的生意。实际上,Castle Hill的这家Castle Hill在5月份开业时,因为当时Castle Hill当时有三四家饭店正在装修,没法营业,所以它的生意还可以;当这些店在七月份先后开业了,Papparich的生意就很明显地不如以前了。 所以,如果你想加盟Papparich,千万要小心后果了。

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