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2019-02-08 来源: 今日澳洲App 评论110条


重磅!黄向墨首次发声回应:莫须有、未犯法!被募捐、请还钱! - 1







Statement from Xiangmo Huang 


1. I am grateful to all my friends for your words of kindness from Australia and around the world. Please accept my sincere apology for not being able to thank every one of you in person.


2. I also appreciate the effort made by the friends in the media. You have my understanding and the highest respect for pursuing the noble practice of journalism with passion and devotion.


3. It is profoundly disappointing to be treated in such a grotesquely unfair manner. The decision of visa cancellation was made based on unfounded speculations that are prejudiced and groundless. This is not the Australia that I believe in, the Australia of freedom, democracy, rule-of-law and fairness, but I keep my faith in law and justice.


4. It is therefore gratifying to see confirmation in ASIO documents that I have never acted in any way in violation of the Australian laws and regulations.

在 ASIO 的相关文件中,确认了本人没有任何触犯澳大利亚法律法规的情形, 对此我表示欣慰。

5. According to ASIO, the key allegation is that I am committed to promoting the peaceful reunification of China as the current chairman of the Oceanic Alliance of Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China (OAPPRC) and previously the chairman of the Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China (ACPPRC).

在 ASIO 的相关文件中,最为关键的,是指责本人担任大洋洲中国和平统一促进联盟主席、及此前担任澳大利亚中国和平统一促进会会长,致力于推动中国和平统一。

However, this is in line with Australia’s diplomatic position since 1972, that Australia respects China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and supports peaceful cross-strait relations, a one-Chinaposition confirmed by successive Australian Governments ever since, without objection by any Government,

Labour or Liberal. The words and actions by OAPPRC and myself have accorded with Australia’s very own diplomatic position. It also happens to be my own firm personal belief that a divided Chinaor a conflicted Taiwan Strait will not be in the best interests of Australia and even more so, should not become the policy of the Australian government.

但是,承认一个中国、希望台海和平,这是澳大利亚自1972 年以来的外交政策,从未有任何一届澳大利亚政府(无论工党或自由党)对此有任何异议。大洋洲统促联盟与本人的相关言行,完全符合澳大利亚外交政策及澳大利亚法律。我也相信,中国分裂、台海战乱,将不可能有利于澳大利亚的利益, 更不应该成为澳大利亚的政策。

OAPPRC and ACPPRC are local community organisations lawfully registered in Australia by Australian Chinese members from across the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and the Southeast Asian countries. OAPPRC and ACPPRC are neither affiliated with, nor funded by, any foreign governments. No Australian government agency, including ASIO, has ever raised any objections in this regard.

大洋洲统促联盟及澳大利亚中国和平统一促进会,都是当地华人在澳大利亚合法注册成立的社团组织,囊括了来自大陆、台湾、香港、澳门及东南亚各国的华裔,不隶属于任何外国政府,也不接受任何外国政府的资助。对此, 包括 ASIO 在内,任何澳大利亚政府机构从未表示过异议。

If I am penalised for promoting the peaceful reunification of China, such penalty is against Australia’s own diplomatic position and international commitment as well as Australia’s fundamental principles of cultural diversity and freedom of speech. Consequently, it inflicts confusion on all Australians who honour the one-China position and support peaceful cross-strait relations.

若我因推动中国和平统一而受罚,既违背了澳大利亚的外交政策及国际承诺, 也不符合澳大利亚多元文化及言论自由的基本精神,并且也对恪守一个中国 立场、希望台海和平的所有澳大利亚人构成了困扰。

6. It is also pointed out in ASIO documents that my business and family ties to China could constitute threats. In the age of globalisation, especially in Australia, a nation of immigrants, it is both common and normal to have overseas business and family ties. There are a large number of Australian companies in China, and the scale of their foreign investments far exceeds mine. It will be outright ridiculous to suspect that they are therefore amenable to being manipulated by a certain foreign government.

在 ASIO 的相关文件中,也质疑我在中国的商业关系、亲属关系等可能构成威胁。在一个全球化的时代,尤其作为移民国家的澳大利亚,有海外商业关系和亲属关系是十分普遍与正常的。澳大利亚在华也有许多企业,其投资应该远大于本人,若据此怀疑他们更易被某国政府操纵,一定是荒谬的。

7. Sadly, in recent years, particularly over the past few days, certain media outlets have opted to attack Australian Chinese, including myself, with baseless allegations and sheer lies. They always claim to have been supplied with information from intelligence agencies and senior government sources. The claims, if untrue, should bring shame to the reputable Australian journalism, as the said media outlets are proven to have been continuously engaged in news fabrication; if some are true, they implicate that there is a material leak of personal information from government officials holding positions at the Intelligence, intentionally violating security and privacy law and regulation – a grave security threat indeed.

For these reasons, I hereby call on the intelligence agencies to provide clarification on the situation, and urge the relevant government departments to initiate a rigorous investigation process for any leak of classified information, which is the right and only way to safeguard the national security of Australia.

最近几天及过去数年来,我及其它不少在澳华人,多次遭到某些媒体的毫无 根据、甚至颠倒黑白的攻击。这些媒体宣称其得到了来自情报部门的信息, 若并不属实,可证明相关媒体编造假新闻,这是对颇有声誉的澳大利亚媒体 的抹黑;若属实,则说明情报部门内部有人知法犯法,泄露安全机密及个人 隐私,这才是更为严峻的安全威胁。我在此郑重呼吁情报部门对此予以澄清, 呼吁相关部门进行严肃调查,这才是对澳大利亚国家安全的保护。

8. The political donations I made years ago have not been part of the grounds established by ASIO, yet certain journalists have been citing intelligence sources to produce sensationalized stories. I would like to make the following clarifications:

至于我多年前的政治捐款,虽然在 ASIO 的相关文件中并未提及,但某些宣称获得了情报部门泄露信息的记者却大肆炒作。在此我愿再次说明:

1)  Political donation as a means of exercising the right to political participation is available to Australian Chinese and all ethnic groups alike.


2)  All donations related to myself were made in strict accordance with the Australian laws and regulations, as ironically corroborated by years of aggressive yet futile attacks by certain media outlets.


3)  All donations related to myself were made at the request of the receiving political parties and their representatives as opposed to being proactive offerings. The only voluntary donations I have initiated myself were made to wonderful charity causes and these amounts far exceed my political donations. 


4)  I chose to decline all political donation requests and ceased all political donations as of July 1st, 2016.

自 2016 年 7 月 1 日之后,我已经拒绝了所有政治捐款请求,停止任何政治捐款;

5)  If any of the past donations I made was deemed inappropriate by any political party or political figure, I again propose the option for them to duly return the amount donated without the need to pay any interest. The returned money will be then donated to Australian charitable organisations accordingly.


6)  As previously reported in The Australian, I in fact advocated for an overhaul of the political donation system1, and it is still my belief that  a  reform  is  necessary to  better  protect  the  rights  and  interests  of  all  stakeholders  of the country, including the political parties and politicians, donors, and the public in general.

我曾经在 The Australian (澳洲人报) 上呼吁对政治捐款制度进行改革 1。我至今依然相信,只有进行相应的改革,才能更好地保障公众、政党及政治人物、捐款者等各方的权益。

9. The year 2018 was a fruitful one to me. In the first half of the year, I started to focus on my investments in Hong Kong, Thailand, the United States and the United Kingdom. In the second half of the year, I followed through the family succession plan for Yuhu Group Australia, no longer hold any position or shares at the company, and have returned to a peaceful and happy life in Hong Kong.

我于 2018 年上半年开始,聚焦于香港、泰国、美国、英国等地的投资;下半年已经顺利按既定规划完成澳洲玉湖集团的代际传承,回到香港定居,安心快乐。我本人在澳洲玉湖集团早已不再持有任何股份,不再担任股东、董事或其它任何职务。

10. I will keep in close contact with my friends in Australia from all walks of life and will visit Australia at the appropriate time with the suitable identification. 




关键词: 黄向墨中国澳洲
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
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随缘1988 2019-02-08 回复
土澳政府是不是感觉自己是世界上最富裕高大上的国家了??中国的华为给你世界上最快最先进的5G网络政府的🐷脑子政客胡说什么间谍终端,澳大利亚有什么尖端武器和顶级技术怕中国间谍偷走,2500万的人口小国经济旅游贸易又全需要中国这样的大国来扶持,澳洲的干爹🇺🇸怎么不投资土澳几百亿美金建设一下狗腿子国家呀?紧跟美国得不到任何好处而且让我们纳税人负担越来越重!!滚蛋吧 自由党 工党 ,没有一个TMD懂经济的傻逼政客,汇率已经跌成什么样子了?还冒充世界大国呢?还是由我们亚裔精英当总理搞经济吧……
土澳居民bc6D0 2019-02-08
那你请举例反驳别人 别张口就骂 嘴巴那么臭 吃了什么排泄物,楼主说的请问有哪一点不对了
随便看看123 2019-02-08
来澳洲感觉在自由民主国家了?中国的技术就叫偷,美国得到的技术不叫偷么?斯诺登事件你忘记了么?你去YouTube 搜一下李光耀在香港发表关于民主的言论,彭定康就在旁边,
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