Lots of you have been thinking:" does she speak English?" I mean, well before I came to Ireland I thought I do. Then I heard your accent... Or you think you do, I don't know.
On the other hand my parents over here. Or you think you do, I don't know. So go talk to them later, it will be fun.
In China we have a saying: you don't just marry some guy, you marry his whole family. I mean just look at the Mannions, I'm fecked. I'm joking! Everybody knows the Mannions. They are simply the most wonderful people in the world. I'm so lucky to marry into this family.
But! Tonight if any of you catching me blinking at you. It's Chinese sign language for "help me" !
Today is another new beginning of me and Kiaran. Kiaran Mannion what a wonderful man! He is an Irishman with a Jewish nose.
I just want to say this to all the unmarried girls here. There is no words describing the feeling of walking down the aisle in your beautiful dress with the>我只想对这里所有的未婚女孩说,没有任何语言可以描述,当你穿着婚纱走在红毯上的感觉,所有你爱着的人站在红毯的尽头深情地望着你。
It's just...... That's the exact moment you realize: It's too late to run.
You see in China, this is the day your other half's family takes you in as a family member. But it's not the case with the Mannions today. Because you know they have been taking me in as a family. Like Tom said, as long as I know them. So thank you Tom, thank you Marie. Thank you Sinead, Nelie, Maggie...everybody.
在中国,这一天是你另一半的家庭接纳你成为新的家庭成员的日子。但对于曼尼恩家族来说并不是,因为他们早就已经把我当成一家人了。就像汤姆说的,从我认识他们起,我们就已经是家人了。在这里我要谢谢汤姆(爸爸),谢谢玛丽(妈妈),感谢辛妮(妹妹)奈莉、玛姬、感谢曼尼恩家族的所有人 。
The two boys, two boys what are your names again? I don't know their names, I mean who does, right? (They are well known hurling players)
All kidding aside, thank you so much everyone for being here as part of our most important day. My beloved family and friends who flew half a world to be here. Allow me to say something in Chinese.
Now let me translate that to you. Run and get out of here while you can before all the Irish got drunk.
Thank you very much!