游泳私教 澳洲认证 女
本人女,拥有澳洲资质的游泳教练及心肺复苏,急救证书,4年执教经验,现于大学和私立学校担任游泳教练,双语教学(英语/普通话)。所教年龄段3岁-成人。所教课程:基本水性训练,自救技能,自由泳,蛙泳,仰泳,蝶泳。 小班(2-4人)及私教课。 开课日期:工作日,周六日 开课地点:面议 悉尼 预约上课及具体详情请咨询:Isobel 0423171644 Greetings, I am a female instructor, holding swimming teaching certificate, CPR and first aid. Now I am as a swimming instructor, teaching surviving/safty swmming skills, freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke. My students range from 3 years old to adults. If you are interested, please contact me.Thanks. Class type: private or squads(2-4p). Venue: aquatic centers or selected places. Date: weekdays, weekends or any selected days.